ChemoTherapy Orientation Class

ChemoTherapy Orientation Class

July 6th, 2015:   Chemotherapy Orientation Class

It seems like the last thing you want to do after getting the news you have cancer…… sitting through a orientation class as if you were a soon to be Freshman in college, not that any of us wouldn’t trade places to go back to that earlier time. I remember when they told be about the upcoming mandatory event, I was like ‘come on, you have to be kidding’ what is there to learn? I have cancer, I am going to have to have Chemo, I am going to get sick and your going to keep doing this for 5 months…. I could just imagine how this class would be, something like driver’s education was, 45 minute boring video, followed with a boring speaker telling us some feel good story or how they understand how we feel even though they never had cancer previously. Stomping my feet and dragging myself, I went reluctantly.

I was very surprised, this class was nothing like I had envisioned. We did watch a video, maybe 45 minutes long but seemed like 10 minutes. The video was more about answering the questions that I am sure most of us had… why me?… what’s next?…I’m scared I am going to die…. I’m scared of what Chemo will do and how I will feel…. just about every thing you have nightmares about once you know you have cancer. Obviously, it was detailed in a general sense, most everyone has a different type or grade of cancer. After the video, there was a Q & A session with 4 nurses and 2 doctors. They answered every question with knowledge, confidence and care. This class was empowering for me since I had already made up my mind I was going to be a fighter! The final 30 minutes was all of us talking to each other, lots of bonding and friendships were created during this time. Everyone left this class empowered and not alone…. I highly recommend making this class as well as finding support groups in your area.


I listened to this song everyday while I was going through the rough and tough days. Hope it empowers you as it did me.

Fighter (Kane Roberts):

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